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Title I

What Is Title I?

Title I is a federally funded program that offers additional federal dollars to support schools in areas with high free and reduced lunch percentages. This is determined by the school lunch forms (Program Eligibility Forms) that are completed and submitted each year.

Last year's lunch forms on the 80th day provide funds for the current year.

Cleveland MS qualifies for Title I funds because 50% or more of our students are eligible for free or reduced lunch.

What Should Parents/guardians Know About Title I?

All schools receiving Title I funds have a written School Parent Involvement Policy, also called the School-Family Engagement Policy (SFEP), which outlines how the school will involve parents in their child's education. It is a policy that is developed jointly with families and educators, revised each year and distributed annually.

The School-Family Compact describes HOW educators and parents will work together to improve student success. This compact, or agreement, is jointly developed with families and educators, revised each year and distributed annually. There is a copy of Cleveland's in each student agenda. Students, parents and staff are asked to sign this compact each year as a way to demonstrate their commitment to student success.

Copies of both these documents can be viewed and/or printed from this web page.

School-family Compact & Policy - Your Input Matters

These documents are used throughout the school year as we work together to guide our students on their path to success. Do these documents have all that you believe is necessary? Is there something that doesn't belong? Please give us your input so that we can keep these documents relevant and useful for all involved.

Have You Visited Our Family Resource Center?

The Family Resource Center is located in the library. There you will find: the current School-Family Engagement Policy (SFEP), the current School-Family Compact, the District Family Engagement Support Agreement, the District Family Engagement Process and Procedural Directive, 'Keeping Kids Safer on the Internet' pamphlet, the APS Title I Complaint Policy, parent comment forms, and more!

The librarian will be there to answer any questions that you may have, please come visit.